red dot Mekong NYC Arts & Music red dot Vietnamese Folk Music
folk arts studies    F O L K · A R T S · S T U D I E S
A research project in the Vietnamese folk arts heritage
Mekong NYC hosts a music class to teach students how to play the đàn tranh (Vietnamese zither). The class is infused with storytelling, especially Vietnamese folk tales and culture, community building through group playing and listening, and group theory, examining traditional Vietnamese and Cambodian songs and pop music.

Lesson: Sakura-Sakura_Melody
for Vietnamese 16-string zither
by Teacher Phan Gia Anh-Thư & Teacher Ngô Thanh Nhàn
Dec 04, 2024 13:34:20
Tablature to Click and Print:
T H E   S T O R Y:
Sakura Sakura [Cherry Blossoms], is a popular Japanese folk song of the Edo Period (1603-1868), depicting spring, the season of cherry blossoms. It is often sung in international settings as a song representative of Japan. The first lines of the original verse (sakura sakura yayoi no sora wa mi-watasu kagiri) serve as a prelude to Bon Jovi's song "Tokyo Road" from their second album 7800° Fahrenheit (released in 1985).
Tuning: All Gs are tuned down to Fs, and all Cs down to Bs, and all Ds down to Cs. The tune uses a pentatonic scale known as the In scale E F A B C [no G nor D]. To tune: lower all G's→F's, C's→B's, and D's→C's.
Tricks: The version for 2 fingers: one leads the melody [loud, rest stroke] and one serves as base harmony [soft], switching between index and thumb. The player can add Á [glissando], fast glidding from string 17 to the first note(s) at the beginning of each phrase.

Performance with variations: observe the rung [vibrato], nhấn [bendings], and [tremolos] and both hands playing:
1. Singing by Ayumi Ueda, and koto playing by Keko Kanagawa, May 12, 2016 & April 17, 2016.
2. Đàn Tranh by Vân Ánh Võ, Nov 6, 2010.
3. Đàn Tranh by Hải Phượng, Jan 14, 2015.

\nSakura, SakuraJapanese Folksong • Reformatted by YWCMA VIETNAMESE FOLK MUSIC STUDY • Ngô Thanh Nhàn • Dec 04, 2024MusicXML source: — MuseScore 3.6.18–A49–B4Sakura.TablatureSakura, Sakura • Part #P1 • Phrase #18888–A49–B4Sakura.TablatureSakura, Sakura • Part #P1 • Phrase #2888B47–F48–A49–B410–C5Yayoinosorawa.TablatureSakura, Sakura • Part #P1 • Phrase #388988886E44–B35–C46–E47–F4Miwatasukagiri.TablatureSakura, Sakura • Part #P1 • Phrase #464666643B47–F48–A49–B410–C5Kasumikakumoka.TablatureSakura, Sakura • Part #P1 • Phrase #588988886E44–B35–C46–E47–F4Nioizoizuru.TablatureSakura, Sakura • Part #P1 • Phrase #6646666438–A49–B4Izaya.TablatureSakura, Sakura • Part #P1 • Phrase #78888–A49–B4Izaya.TablatureSakura, Sakura • Part #P1 • Phrase #8888B46–E47–F48–A49–B4miniyukan.TablatureSakura, Sakura • Part #P1 • Phrase #9668866 Circle of FifthsRange: A4 B4 C5 F4 E4 C4 B3 \n\nA\n\nE\n\nB\nB\n\n\n\n\n\n\nF\n\nC\nC\n\nPitch Classes: 0,3,4,5,11Circle of Chromatics\n\n\nE\n\nF\n\n\n\n\nA\n\n\nB\nB\n\nC\nC\n\nPitch Classes: 9,11,0,5,4